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BelBin™ Self-Perception Test gives a clear picture of everyone - it is where you stand with your profile, your abilities and developing areas as a person and a team member. It gives to the company information of the team members personal abilities and how to use that in the most powerful way and Belbin - IPM - International People Management | Trainings and seminars picturehow to support the individual.

BelBin™ Team Test  gives a clear picture of the teams abilities and every team members place, where he or she is the most powerful in their team, and how to use each team members strengths and in the most effective way and where/how to develop individual as a team member. It gives to the company information where to support and gain most powerful and profitable outcome of the team, create the "win-win" situation.

These BelBin™  assessment tools give better possibilities to create the most effective and powerful team training that fits to the individual and the team.

BelBin™ Observer Assessment Test gives the individual a clear picture of how others see his or hers abilities and development areas. It can explain why there is the differences how we see ourselves and others see us, and the "price" we and the company have to pay for that. Using Self-Perception and Observer Assessments help to get a comprehensive view to a person as a team member. It is important to compare team roles perceived by the self and other team members. That will help to understand what a team member is able to do, what characteristics should be developed. Some answers you may want to know: 

What can be gained by identifying peoples Team Roles?
It is difficult to work effectively with people without some reasonable expectations of how they are going to perform. Self-Perception and Observer Assessments show how an individual feels and how an individual behaves in a team/group. These Assessment Tools have a positive result on your and your teams work.

Why use Observer Assessment?
Observer Assessment provides independent evidence about an individuals team roles. A Self-Perception test is only as good as an individuals sense of personal realism. Some people answer in terms of how they would like to contribute rather than how they really behave. So, this Assessment Tool helps to strengthen your performance!
Shall I let people know my preferred Team Roles?
The sharing of the team roles increases understanding and enables mutual expectations. Then disappointments will be less likely. This Assessment Tool makes you feel better in your everyday job.
When I know my strongest Team Roles, what shall I do about it?
A persons overall strongest roles are the ones most appreciated by other people. Develop and play these roles with an enthusiasm, because this is where you are likely to make a mark. At the same time make note of your lowest roles and find a strategy to avoid exposure by trying to play them. Try to work with people who are strong in the roles in which you are weak - your team will be the strongest one!

The Questionnaires are available in Lithuanian language as well as the feed-back and material.

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