Power Education© –  the system of active learning techniques, which enables an individual to use his skills more effectively striving for personal and professional development and success. This creates the opportunities for the individual, team and organization to reach the desired goals and assures the effectiveness of actions.

What does Power Education© training mean?
The first word "Power" means “the ability to act”, "Education" means “knowledge how to do” and "Training" means - “To be able to do it”.

Power Education© trains you to control the way you act as a person in your sphere of speciality, also to control your behaviour and attitude, in that way creating success you deserve.

Power Education© programmes are very active, with lots of fast learning techniques that will expand the individuals’ abilities to be in strong positive self-control and grow with success. All methods are concentrated to create the positive result for the individual, the team and the company. We focus on the solving and result-process.

Power Education© training is a tool for positive development in the real world and is a very effective way for people to improve their life quality and job success!

Power Education© Training contains 8 foundation tools which are:

  • Power measuring – a test or questionnaire-sheet to find out how the person sees him or herself, so we can deliver what they really need;
  • Power sparring –  to find the hidden dreams and abilities;
  • Power coaching – to press the person positively in order to inspire them to use these abilities;
  • Power training – to keep the individual on track all the time and never let the him/her relax until these new success tools become everyday behaviour;
  • Power management – to train the person to use these abilities with the smallest amount of energy and time;
  • Power presentation – to train the individual in the most effective way to get recognition for what they do;
  • Power evaluation – to review the actions and results constantly in order to know the next steps to reach success;
  • Power preparation – to prepare the person for the next success step by creating a strong mental picture of the goal they must achieve.

Why Power Education© training is so efective?

  • Tools for positive development are from the real world
  • Participants become aware of the need for change, which motivates them to seek the desired goal voluntarily.
  • While developing individuals' abilities a lot of attention is paid not only to theory, but to active fast learning techniques.

Power Education© system comprises 10 main training programmes

  1. Personal Power (in team and individual sessions)
  2. Power Sales
  3. Power Client Management
  4. Power Team Management
  5. Power Board Management
  6. Personal Power Presentation
  7. Power Management
  8. Power Economy Development
  9. IPC – Internal Power Coach
  10. ICPS – Internal Circle Power Sales

These programs can be tailor-made according to your Company’s GOAL and your wishes for desirable results.

Power Education - IPM - International People Management | Trainings and seminars picture

The benefit of Power Education© training

The Goal of Power Education© is to provide the company employees with some effective tools, training methods, specific benefits and development possibilities. Every training session is built on real life and already tried-out.
You have your personal coach and facilitator to help and support you everyday when you use it.  The tasks in the training are realistic and you have to try it out in “the real world”.
You will benefit from Power Education© because:

  • It will empower you personally and in Business.
  • The results will be achieved much faster than you expected. 
  • This training will challenge and support you in attaining the results and success you desire and deserve in your life.

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