This tool provides a method that can help managers to maximize their own performance and contribution, as well as manage and develop high performance teams. Coaching can play a valuable role in helping with important life and career issues. Also with the knowledge and understanding of how to use tools that a practitioner will find instantly useful in any career context.

IPM has highly skilled Coaches with up to 25 years successful experience with Personal and Professional Management Coaching in one-to-one as well as team/group coaching sessions in 4 languages: Lithuanian, Russian, Danish and English! 

Fundamentally coaching is a process to help people by:

  • Identifying where they could or should improve
  • Motivating them to set and own personal improvement targets
  • Helping them plan how to achieve those improvement targets
  • Creating opportunities for them to practice the desired skills
  • Observing them in action and giving objective feedback
  • Helping them to work through setbacks  

Benefits of Coaching:

  • Enables learning to happen while doing a job
  • Gives immediate feedback on performance
  • Helps by reducing waste and rework
  • Helps by clarifying individual and team objectives
  • Helps by raising team performance and productivity
  • Pays close attention to individual’s development


Performance CoachingFocuses on increasing the individual’s performance in their current role at work.

Skills CoachingThis form of coaching focuses on the core skills an employee needs to perform in their role - development of skills.

Career CoachingCoaching activities focus on the individual’s career concerns and uses feedback on the individual’s capabilities as part of a discussion of career options. 

Personal or life Coaching –
This form of coaching provides support for individuals wishing to make some form of significant changes happen within their lives.

Business CoachingThe term is used to refer to any coaching activity that takes place in a business setting.

Executive CoachingBy improving the performance of the most influential people within the organization, business results should improve.

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