| Thank you for the test, consultations and expertise that we get from IPM. We are always happy to return to you. We try to be Trusted Advisors to our clients. It is very suitable term for IPM. You are really our Trusted Advisors! Zivile Janukoniene Project Director TNS LT, UAB
 | We started cooperating with IPM from February 2004 as we asked for organizing and implementing Teambuilding for the strategic managers of UAB „Palink“. IPM’s selection of training programmes and tools helped us to adjust company’s managers successfully during an important transition period in which internal communication and effective decision-making had to be improved. IPM’s consultations and tailoring of their programmes to specific needs of our managers played a large part in reaching those goals, that were performed by personal consultations of IPM experts and tasks adapted to our managers. In 2005 we successfully continued the cooperation with IPM. With the help of this company we optimized the competences of managers in the area of personnel management as well as developing teamwork skills. As a result of consultations and trainings, functions and tasks of managers were carefully analized. This helped UAB „Palink“ to use competences and personal attributes of different managers more effectively, as well as to strengthen the link of Regional Managers. We are thankful to IPM for the successful changes in personnel management of UAB „Palink“. Their attention to our projects thorough feedback created a successful atmosphere of mutual cooperation and helped UAB „Palink“ to achieve the set goals. We hope to cooperate with IPM in the future and recommend them as reliable partners in the area of personnel management and development. UAB "Palink" |
| References about Facet5 personality assessment in Lithuania: |
 | Facet5 is a great tool that helps a manager or personnel specialist to better understand themselves and subordinators. Extensive application of this toolallows using it in the selection of staff, forming a successful team. Ability to use Facet5 independently only further more expanded its possibilities for usingthis tool to evaluate employees' competences and contribute to their development plans. Irena Pupienienė Director of personnel AB Vilniaus baldai |
 | I've got acquainted with Facet5 in 2010 by piloting it personally myself and of course having a bit of scepticism. After receiving the results and thefeedback I was strongly, but positively surprised by the received profile and concentrated information on my person. Profile perfectly reflected my personality and I was convinced that it is worthwhile to master this tool and use it in the company's personnel management. In the beginning of 2012 I took part in Facet5 accreditation training, in addition to the professional course and the knowledge I have gained the right to use Facet5 system myself. The knowledge I've gained has helped me immensely to manage and lead an international company in Slovakia, where it were obvious cultural differences and I was unfamiliar with people and their mentality. Thanks to Facet5 in the short time I got valuable information that helped me very much in taking many staff-related decisions. I'm happy to recommend Facet5 for all companies and personnel managers who want to raise the human resource management to a higher level. Andrius Surantas Director UAB "Peikko Lietuva" |
| The reason for distinguishing a valid and reliable test from the rest of the field is not to do with psychometrics as such, it is to do with solving a business problem. If the test doesn't measure what it claims to measure and doesn't do so reliably and consistently, it is unlikely to be useful to the business, because the results simply can't be counted on. Results show that Facet5 meets these requirements. Kate Woodley Psychologist |
 | Facet5 could provide tangible benefits to businesses and to Lithuania. It is a reliable tool, which range of capacities and applications can simply astound. Definitely worth a try! Saulius Lapienis Business Consultant Lithuanian Innovation Centre |
 | I would like to deliver my gratitude to International People Management team and especial thanks to Mr Finn Petersen and Ms Jurate Verikaite for introducing Facet5 as a personal assessment tool to our company and me personally. I have to confess it was an eye-opening experience to try it out myself and apply the tool for the benefit of my business. Facet5 opens new perspectives for the company management one may have not been aware of before. With greatest thanks, Bo Ingemann Petersen Managing director UAB "Precizika Metal" |
 | I happened to have tried it all myself: to get my personal profile based on Facet5 tool, to participate in the Facet5 facilitator‘s accreditation and finally to make use of Facet5 profiles of other people at my work. So, I have got a good ground to tell you a few words about Facet5 and share my personal experience and impressions. The first thing about Facet5 as a tool is how precise it is. Precise to describe an individual. Precise to measure an individuality. Just a few tens of questions of this self-assessment tool and you get positively surprised seeing yourself in the Facet5 mirror telling you of your individual depth and your professional width raising your self-awareness of your opportunities. Just few tens of questions of this self-assessment tool and you get positively surprised of your employees (present and potential, which is of great importance!) as you get Facet5 to help you making the right picture of their individual particularities and professional potential and make the right decisions in beforehand. That is a miracle, right? But it takes a good Facet5 facilitator to make a miracle. Or being a good facilitator yourself to make one. A facilitator is a key figure to read the Facet5 scripts and give the feedback session to both the individuals and the companies. And Facet5 accreditation makes it possible to become a facilitator after an intensive course of theory at the desk and an examination covering two feedback sessions in the field. As for me after this course I learned reading in people's hearts with help of Facet5 and enjoy applying my new knowledge and skills to the benefit of the company and the good of the employees. Nina Ronlev Deputy director UAB "Precizika Metal" |
| Even before making this test I knew that it would be useful for me. As many others, I did not expect it to be so precise and able to explain my personality, my skills and strong sides so deeply. Having this information and knowing myself better I intend to improve myself and my skills more effectively and more expediently. Rytis Davidovicius Investment Consultant Finasta |
| From an academic standpoint Facet5 is a very thorough and well structured psychometric test. But its greatest strength is that it simplifies a very complicated psychological process, providing you with valuable information that you can understand and use. I am personally impressed with the accuracy and detail of the profile I received. It has dramatically increased my self-awareness, which I know will help me attain future career growth and success. Trevor Holmes Lecturer ISM |
| Facet5 gives incredible opportunities to get to know your employee. In the start is sounds even too unrealistic, but only till you try-out the possibilities of this program yourself. The employee doesn't have to answer to long, tiring test questions, make various psychological, logical and analytical tasks, or participate in difficult interviews and spend a lot of time for all this. Everything is unbelievably simple, effective and understandable. Employee spends only 15 -20 minutes completing the online questionnaire. Facet5 program gives for employer not only clear portrait of a person that describes what kind of leader he/she is, the nature of his/her interpersonal relationships, his/her initiative, efforts, analytical abilities, ability to make decisions, plan and organize. This program also gives clear insights how to communicate with this employee, how to motivate him/her, what disappoints this person and etc. The answers are given in a clear, understandable, logical manner; you don't have to have special education or dictionary to understand them. This is a wonderful opportunity that all Lithuanian companies should use, if they want to know their employees and reach terrific business results. Then it would be even nicer and more pleasant to work in Lithuania :) Daiga Talentiene Training organizing specialist Lithuanian Chamber of Auditors |
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